Brogue Wiki
Four copper rings have been joined into a tetrahedron. The construct is oddly warm to the touch.

When used, the charm will shield you for up to 20 turns against up to A damage and recharge in B turns. (If the charm is enchanted, this will change to C damage and D turns.

This charm is unique in that it is the only way to actively apply the protection effect to yourself. The effect will always expire in around 20 turns at most.

Enchantment Level Damage Absorbed Recharge Time
+1 15 620
+2 20 380
+3 27 236
+4 36 149
+5 49 97
+6 67 66
+7 90 48
+8 122 36
+9 165 30
+10 223 26
+11 301 23
+12 407 22
+13 549 21
+14 742 20
+15 1001 20
+16 1352 20
+17 1825 20
+18 2464 20
+19 3327 20
+20 4491 20

The shielding from the protection charm will absorb any direct damage (burning and poison effects are considered indirect, as is caustic gas), including magic spells such as lightning and firebolt (initial damage is negated, but you will still be set on fire), explosions (again, will still set you on fire), and falls. At the highest levels, even the strongest mobs will have a hard time breaking through your defenses before the amulet is ready to go again.

Armor runics also trigger through the shielding, allowing this charm to pair well with some armors, such as Armors of Absorption, which increase the durability of the shield by reducing incoming damage; Multiplicity , which increases your offensive capabilities and let you dispatch foes quicker; or Reprisal, which can return damage while you take none.

Ϟ Charms Ϟ
Fire Immunity · Guardian · Haste · Health · Invisibility · Levitation

Negation · Protection · Recharging · Shattering · Telepathy · Teleportation
